dream. define. discover. design. destiny.
McKay's Mill Personal Trainer
Walking, Running, Hiking, Biking
Basketball, Tennis, Frisbee Golf
Polar Bear Ice Plunge(winter only)
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Youth in action...

Hey Ryan,
You're doing a fantastic job of coaching the girls and I want you to know that. You're a good example of a servant heart.
I'm thankful for you!

I wanted to share something with you. As you know, Harper's skill level was quite low this season, and while she always loved going to practice, she wasn't as excited to attend the games. She has told us all season that she doesn't want to play soccer again after this time. But today, we mentioned to her that she could play in the fall if she wants to.
Tonight when she went to bed, I reminded her of all the fun things she did today -- soccer, going to Build-a-Bear to get a new My Little Pony (her reward for finishing the season strong), riding scooters, having a picnic, playing with her iPad -- and asked her what her favorite part of the day was. Her response: "going to soccer." Then she told me she wants to play again in the fall, because she wants to "try, try, try." I repeated to her your chants (have FUN, try your best, etc.), and she finished each one enthusiastically.
We just wanted to thank you again for doing such a great job with those girls. It took a lot of your time, and I doubt you were compensated much, if at all. But you really did make a difference in the lives of at least one girl. We appreciate it.
Have a great summer with your family.
The Janneys