dream. define. discover. design. destiny.
McKay's Mill Personal Trainer
Walking, Running, Hiking, Biking
Basketball, Tennis, Frisbee Golf
Polar Bear Ice Plunge(winter only)
Gift of Health
Have a special occassion coming up and want to give the gift of health and fitness to your loved one? Choose from our options below.
Your ASSESSMENT will provide us a baseline to measure all future progress from.
Tests will include: Body Measurements, Cardiovascular fitness, Functional Fitness, Strength, Balance, Posture & Flexibility. We will use the results to customize an efficient, safe and effective fitness program to help you become as FIT as you want to be.
Assessment + 10 (30 Min)
ASSESSMENT + 10 (30 Minute) Sessions.
Great for that special someone who hasn't worked out in a while and needs to gradually work their way back to health.
We will customize and efficient and effective 30 minute training plan to streamline their success.
Assessment + 10 (60 min)
ASSESSMENT + 10 (60 Minute) Sessions.
Excellent option for the loved one who has been working out for sometime now, but isn't seeing the results they expected.
We will customize and efficient and effective 60 minute training plan to streamline their success.